Sandra and Em give an overview of the concept of Cognitive Functions (aka Mental Processes) which are the building blocks of Myers-Briggs.
- This will help you have a better understanding for the nuances of your personality type and for the fact that we all use all of the preferences
- It also will give you more specific help for understanding your children and others in your family
Full show notes:
What are Cognitive Functions?
You’ve heard me describe it before on the podcast as “two different types of Feeling” or “two different types of Sensing”.
Those middle letters S/N and T/F deal with how we take in information from the world and how we make decisions. When you combine those letters with the Judging/Perceiving preference, you get 8 different functions – four that deal with how we take in information – and four that deal with how we decide things based on that information.
We can use all 8 functions, but each type has 4 that play the biggest part in our life and personality, and in a predictable order/pattern.
What is the car metaphor?
For more on Cognitive Functions, check out my Cognitive Functions Cheat Sheet

(1st function) Driver function – this one has the most control over your personality, where you feel most comfortable and “in the zone” when you’re using it
(2nd function) Co-pilot function. This function is also important and comfortable within your personality but just not as dominant as the driver.
(3rd function) 10-year old function. It’s less mature than your front seat functions, but you may play at this sometimes. However, it doesn’t tend to do well when it takes over the car.
(4th function) 3-year old function. This is your blind spot – your biggest weakness, you tend to use it sparingly and it may come out in moments of great stress.
A brief description of the eight cognitive functions:
“Resonant Feeling”
(Introverted Feeling)
Driver for: INFP, ISFP; Copilot for: ENFP, ESFP
Paying attention to the values, desires and tastes that resonate with the self to decide in an authentic way.
“Relational Feeling”
(Extraverted Feeling)
Driver for: ENFJ, ESFJ; Copilot for: INFJ, ISFJ
Paying attention to the collective needs of the group in order to build relationships and decide in a connected way.
“Precise Thinking”
(Introverted Thinking)
Driver for: INTP, ISTP; Copilot for: ENTP, ESTP
Using frameworks and inner systems of objective logic to decide in a precise way.
“Efficient Thinking”
(Extraverted Thinking)
Driver for: ENTJ, ESTJ; Copilot for: INTJ, ISTJ
Using outer systems, benchmarks & standards of measurement to decide in an efficient way.
“Preservation Sensing”
(Introverted Sensing)
Driver for: ISFJ, ISTJ; Copilot for: ESFJ, ESTJ
Attuning to the past, valuing practical experience and preserving existing standards.
“Responsive Sensing”
(Extraverted Sensing)
Driver for: ESFP, ESTP; Copilot for: ISFP, ISTP
Attuning to the present moment, taking in information with one’s five senses, in order to respond with immediate practical action.
“Insightful Intuition”
(Introverted Intuition)
Driver for: INFJ, INTJ; Copilot for: ENFJ, ENTJ
Looking for hidden meanings and patterns and extrapolating them into the bigger picture and an insight for the future.
“Imaginative Intuition”
(Extraverted Intuition)
Driver for: ENFP, ENTP; Copilot for: INFP, INTP
Looking for future possibilities, theories and potentialities, to imagine solutions and scenarios that are way outside of the box.
Find a list of which types use which functions on my Cognitive Functions Cheat Sheet.
Main takeaways:
- There are 8 cognitive functions. Each personality type has 4 that play the biggest role in their personality.
- FRONT SEAT FUNCTIONS are usually your strengths, your natural ways of being
- BACK SEAT FUNCTIONS are usually your weaknesses, your stretch, things that trip you up
Links and references:
Cognitive Function Cheat Sheet which lists all of the types and which cognitive functions they use.
Check out my podcast page for episodes broken down by topic. If you’re new to Myers-Briggs personality type, check out episodes that cover the basics.
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