Sandra interviews guest Nina Meehan, an ENFP Enneagram Seven parent of three, working in children’s theater and Creative Parenting.
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Links and references:
Nina’s Creative Parenting Website
About Nina
Nina’s Instagram
Creative Parenting Instagram
Creative Parenting Facebook
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Full show notes:
Sandra introduces Nina:
Nina Meehan is a nonprofit leader and parenting educator with a passion for creating moments of connection and joy through imagination and play. She is an award-winning theatre producer and director, an internationally recognized arts education expert and the founder of Creative Parenting. She is also a mom of three kids–ages 12, 9, and 5.
Sandra gives a quick overview of the ENFP type.
ENFPs use two main functions:
- “Imaginative Intuition”
(Extraverted Intuition)
Looking for future possibilities, theories and potentialities, to imagine solutions and scenarios that are way outside of the box. - “Resonant Feeling”
(Introverted Feeling)
Paying attention to the values, desires and tastes that resonate with the self to decide in an authentic way.
Sandra gives a quick overview of the Enneagram Seven type.
Enneagram Seven from the Enneagram Institute website:
Sevens are extroverted, optimistic, versatile, and spontaneous. Playful, high-spirited, and practical, they can also misapply their many talents, becoming over-extended, scattered, and undisciplined. They constantly seek new and exciting experiences, but can become distracted and exhausted by staying on the go. They typically have problems with impatience and impulsiveness. At their Best: they focus their talents on worthwhile goals, becoming appreciative, joyous, and satisfied.
- Basic Fear: Of being deprived and in pain
- Basic Desire: To be satisfied and content—to have their needs fulfilled
Nina tells us who she is and about the work she does in children’s theater and Creative Parenting. You can find her work here:
Nina shares with us her experience as an ENFP parent, including:
- She has always loved to be around children because of the way that it keeps play and imagination alive for her
- Her initial concerns that being a parent might limit her career-wise
- Her favorite moments of parenthood are when everyone is present, having fun and connecting
- She sees every mistake her kids make as an opportunity to learn something, and therefore her role is to allow them to make those mistakes and then guide them through the natural consequences
- How in her mind “discipline” implies an end to the conversation, and she sees mistakes as opportunities to be a “conversation starter” where she acts as guide
- That there is difficulty between the way she and her husband prefer to spend their time, with her being more energetic and spontaneous and him being more quiet and planned
- Creating healthy routines, such as her morning yoga class, has been a learned skill for her, but very beneficial. And being a parent has helped her make routines a priority since children need that safety and security.
- How difficult the pandemic has been on her, as far as feeling limited, as well as the fact that her normal self-care looks different. She really misses doing yoga in person; doing it at home by herself does not fill her bucket in the same way
- How Creative Parenting helps her create routines for her kids in a way that is not boring
- Her ideal day could either be spontaneously jumping in the car and heading to Disneyland or it can be a standard routine day at home but filled with fun art activities and baking projects.
Leave a comment: Are you a parent with ENFP preferences? Do you resonate with Nina’s experience as a parent? Let us know!