About Sandra

Sandra Etherington is a certified MBTI Practitioner (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and a certified MMTIC Practitioner (Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children). A UCLA alumni, with a background in mathematics, Sandra has a love of models that help us understand human behavior and our interactions with one another. She uses her passion and experience with personality type models, to help parents guide their children more effectively and compassionately based on their unique wiring and needs
What does Myers-Briggs look at?

The Myers-Briggs personality type model indicates where we receive our energy, how we take in information, and how we make decisions. Myers-Briggs does not measure skill and does not limit what you can or cannot do. It looks at our natural, inborn preferences for interacting with the world. Check out the basics!
How can personality type help with parenting?
Myers-Briggs personality type is used frequently in business organizations to foster teamwork. Sandra created Family Personalities to apply it in a lesser known but fascinating and beneficial way, to children and families. The Myers-Briggs model recognizes that we are all wired with different preferences and mental processes (or cognitive functions) that affect the way we prefer to interact with the world.
When we, as parents, take the time to learn and understand these aspects of our personalities and our children’s personalities, we gain incredible insight and tips to understanding how our children learn, how they communicate and want to be communicated with, how they are motivated and what they need from us to thrive. Sign up for Sandra’s Family Dynamic’s Program to understand your family’s personality types!
How can I figure out my child’s personality type?
Just launched! The self-paced, online course to find your child’s best fit Myers-Briggs type!
Once you understand your child’s Myers-Briggs personality type you will unlock for yourself a whole new level of understanding about what motivates your child, what energizes them, how they best take in information and how to parent them more effectively and compassionately.